The Big Secret Behind Healthy Communication

Dr. Rissy's Writing & Marketing
3 min readApr 16, 2021


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Everybody talks about the big secret behind having a successful social media marketing agency, and as simple as it sounds, the secret is having good communication.

As a social media marketing agency you want your team to be in sync, because when that happens, you get excellent results for your clients. When you are part of a marketing team you will always want the best results for your clients, just make sure that you share ideas, new innovations, and techniques to achieve those goals.

At Dr. Rissy’s Writing and Marketing we have a team of freelancers that are located all around the world. Being in different timezones doesn’t stop us from getting in sync with each other to make sure that our projects and clients get the best results.

For the whole team to be in sync we must work around each other’s ever-changing schedules and timezones. Our silver-lining is having professionals all around the world which allows us to handle different clients all the time.

We are proud to say that at our marketing agency we have clients not only located in the US, but also in other parts of the world, and having a diverse team lets us not only meet their expectations but to have a smooth communication.

At the end of the day that is what our work is all about: being able to understand our clients, and achieve their goals.

How we do it

Here at Dr. Rissy’s Writing and Marketing, we have a simple and effective process to keep our clients happy and always deliver the best results, but how do we make it happen?

Once a client contacts us, interested in our services, we make sure to schedule an onboarding call. During that call we ask all the necessary questions to understand the client, their priorities. Also, we offer services’ packages sculpted just for them.

When we both agree to a marketing plan then it’s time to figure out what’s the best way to communicate. We have been working as a marketing and writing agency for many years now, and weekly reports are the best way to keep everything on board and aware of what’s going on.

Weekly reports stand as an overview of what’s happening with the account, what approaches we are taking, and what the next steps will be. It is all about clear and transparent communication!

Advice from an expert

This week we talked about client communication with Jean, a Digital Marketing Strategist expert from @Jeanwandimi. She made sure to explain the topic with two fabulous examples that we will share below.

Example 1

One of the most underrated tools that fosters a healthy client-agency relationship is the weekly call. During a weekly call, both teams bring each other up to speed on what is happening. A simple structure for these calls can be:

-Recap of previous week

-How far are we with goals?

-Any important dates, tasks or deadlines

-Expectations for the coming week.

-Who does what?

-Any mishaps/ challenges and solutions.

Example 2

While emails are a great tool of communication, consider using project management tools like Asana, Trello or Slack. These ensure that everyone on the team has a birds-eye view on the project.”

At the end of the day everything is about working together with your client in order to take your work to the next level!

Originally published at on April 16, 2021.



Dr. Rissy's Writing & Marketing

We’re a team of writers, editors, and marketers offering high-quality content writing and digital marketing services. Learn more: